How to choose the best therapist for you

You are ready for therapy, looking for healing… and now it’s up to you to find the one person to help you achieve your goals. Read through these tips to find the help you are seeking.

what do you need?

Counselors/therapists have many different specialties. What is the problem that you are seeking help for? If you are seeking help with an eating disorder or premarital counsleing… then you most likely would not look to schedule with a parenting coach counselor. Know at least one of your needs when you start the search.

where to look?

Alright, you have an idea of who you’re looking for… but where to find them?? Here are a few places to check:

  • Ask around - who do your friends and family recommend?

  • Ask your primary doc - chances are they know of some mental health professionals in the area

  • Check with your insurance - if you want to utilize insurance it may be best to check and see who is in network with your insurance company

  • Search the online directories - A few of my favorites: Psychology Today, Therapy Den, and of course, Google!

Thanks to our virtual world, you may not be limited to the therapists in your area. Usually (check with the professional) a therapist can see you if you are located within the same state that they are licensed.

at the very least…

Ideally, a prospective counselor will allow for a free 15 minute phone consultation. this time allows you to give the counselor a brief summary of your needs for therapy. Most importantly, this is the time where you can ask them your questions. How the prospective therapist responds to you can give you an idea of how future conversations may go. At the very least, email your questions to them. If they are unable to allow for time to talk before your first session, maybe that is a sign to keep going on your search for the right counselor.

finding out my therapist isn’t the right one

You found your new therapist! You’ve gotten started in your healing journey. You may be 2 weeks, 1 month, or maybe 3 months in at this point. All of the sudden you realize something feels off. No matter how long it’s been, it is okay to make a change if needed. Now, please understand that therapy isn’t always fun and easy… so maybe this “off” feeling is part of the healing. If you are experiencing different feelings about therapy or specifically your therapist, I recommend you start by having a conversation with your therapist. Talk through what is going on and your current needs in therapy. If they are unable to shift and meet your current needs, then ask for referrals. Therapy is about YOUR needs within YOUR healing journey.

Interested in scheduling a free 15 minute phone consult today? Contact us.


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