Using essential oils as an alternative medicine
There has been much interest in alternative medicines in the past few years, especially within the holistic health community. There are many different types of alternative medicines on the market, however, essential oils seem to be one of the most accessible and most common for people to turn to. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts. Most commonly, essential oils are used for aromatherapy by diffusing or applying directly to the skin. Studies have shown that essential oils may help regulate mood, reduce stress/anxiety, improve sleep quality, kill bacteria, funguses, and viruses, reduce inflammation, help with nausea, and relieve headaches. It is essential to purchase high-quality plant-derived oils. There are many oils on the market that are made of fragrances, rather than the actual plant. High-quality oils will state “100% pure therapeutic grade”. You can also examine the ingredients if you are unsure. Today, I will share a few of my favorite essential oils, their benefits, and the different ways to use them.
Photo by Mariana Rascão on Unsplash
Lavender oil is one of the most common essential oils. Lavender oil happens to be my favorite and the most used oil in my household. I especially love how versatile this particular oil is and how many ways you can use it. I have found diffusing lavender 10 minutes before bedtime gives me a sense of relaxation and often helps me reach a deep sleep. I also dilute my oil and use it as a pillow spray which also promotes a good night's rest. Another way to use lavender oil is to add a couple of drops into your bath to help with stress and any pain you may have.
Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash
Tea tree oil is another commonly used oil and another one of my favorites. Tea tree oil can be used as an antiseptic, antimicrobial, or antifungal. My favorite way to use tea tree oil is by applying it directly to my skin to treat acne and scarring. It is not recommended to diffuse tea tree oil around pets and young children because it can be neurotoxic.
Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash
Peppermint oil also has many different uses. My go-to use is for headaches. I apply a small drop on my wrist and rub it onto my temples. Peppermint oil is an anti-inflammatory, fights fatigue and nausea (was a lifesaver for me when pregnant!), supports digestion, and eases headaches. You can add peppermint oil to your ginger tea to fight nausea and fatigue, but make sure to dilute well.
Photo by Stefan Rodriguez on Unsplash
The last oil I will review is eucalyptus. I enjoy diffusing eucalyptus oil during the cold season because it helps open your nasal passageways when you start getting stuffy. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties to help strengthen your immune system. Eucalyptus oil should never be ingested and can be used topically if diluted well. This is another oil to take caution with when children and pets are in the home.